Perspectives, Anecdotes, and Plain Old Random-ness

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26, 2010 8:15 AM

Good morning!

So yesterday, I got off work at 3pm and went home to finish off a tub of hummus and scrounge around my apartment for other delicious things. I cut up three frozen bananas and froze them again after adding chopped strawberries to the mix. Maybe I'll make some vegan ice cream soon - or smoothies!

I also wanted to make some tea, so I put tea bags and water into the pitcher part of the blender (since we don't actually have a pitcher). Then I let the boys (Mike, Tony, Urug) know that I could come over at any time! I packed a bag of chocolate crackers and mixed nuts to eat for dinner.

When I got there, Matt was back from visiting his family! He was really tired, so I left him alone, and the boys and I went swimming (actually, we went to the pool and stood around talking). Then we decided (out of the blue) that we were going to the Great Northern Pizza Kitchen for dinner. So went along, intending on eating the food I brought.

But, when we got there, I got a major Chipotle craving (which is, of course, right next door), so I spent $6 on a vegan burrito. AND IT WAS DELICIOUS!! Matt came along, and every boy at the table got two slices except for him. But then the other boys complained about being stuffed, and Matt looked very content with his one slice. So I guess he wins that round in my opinion (because it's totally a competition, you know. Food is serious business).

Then we went back to their place and played "Oh, hell" - which has several variations in naming, none of which are blog-appropriate (in my humble opinion). I was in the lead for the whole game until Urug beat me in the last round! Grr!!! But then we switched to Go Fish, and I owned him!

Then we started playing this game called "31" which I've never heard of before, but it was fun (and I won the first game). I'm very competitive when I come to card games. After another game of that (Tony won), we switched again - to Texas Hold 'Em, betting with Tony's poker chips (no money).

Tony went out three times (because Urug and I bought him back in), and everyone got angry when I won on the river twice (three times?) in big money pots. Since I'm so competitive, I like to stay in until the final card, so I always tend to lose with nothing and call big bets. It's a bad habit of mine, but as long as I keep away from games involving money, it's no big deal (in my opinion).

Urug and Mike were the last two playing, and I tried to stay awake for the end. Unfortunately, I started falling asleep while dealing, so Tony took me home after promising that they would let me know who won. (Urug won - he beat Mike with a 7 high flush - Mike had the 6 high.)

When I got home, I was about to turn off my cell phone when I got a text from Urug. (Backstory - Urug has trouble being without a girlfriend and starts hitting on every girl in sight until he gets a girl (generally not one that he was particularly interested in) and he'd been hinting at me and talking about one of the pre-fishies since his last relationship ended.) So I get this text from him - "you looked real cute tonight by the way".

I responded with - "thanks" and turned off my phone. He should know by now that I'm not interested in getting a guy, especially one that is talking about how cute another girl is in front of me half the time.

But this morning was good, and I look forward to the rest of the day - I packed a lunch, and I think I'm going to plan out a budget for fall quarter (to cut back my food expenses). I kinda want to save up some money since I spend a lot on food, especially eating out.

Alright! So, I hope you have a fantastic day!

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