So, a projector just went missing at work, and apparently it's my fault.
On Monday night, someone put an order in to pick up a projector. But we aren't open at 9:00 PM, so no one did it.
On Tuesday morning, I saw an order that said 9 - and assumed it was for 9:00 AM. So I 'assigned' it in the program to one of the student workers without looking at what it was.
And it got deleted because it assumed that it was finished and taken care of. I called over my boss, and she said sometimes the computer leaves traces of previous orders. So we decided it wasn't important.
We just discovered this today - and the projector is no longer in the classroom it was supposed to be in. Since my boss is off today (and she's no spring chicken anyway), guess who's fault it is?
So now two of my few employees are searching room after room for this missing projector, while they could be doing other orders, checking up the copiers, etc.
I feel ashamed, but I wasn't trained completely for the supervisor stuff since no one was here for the summer.
At least my boys just found the projector - otherwise, I'd have $3,000 in fines plus humiliation in front of my co-workers.
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