Perspectives, Anecdotes, and Plain Old Random-ness

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Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 30, 2011 5:15 PM

First 6 months of 2011 – CRAZY YEAR OF CHANGE!!!!

So I got this idea this afternoon – I have done a lot of things this year that are monumental in some way, shape, or form: why not write out a list of it all? Some of this stuff is the first time I have done this, some of it is stuff I’ve done before but still a big event, and some of this is just plain bizarre. They aren’t in any particular order, so just cruise on through the list and be amused. Enjoy! (Oh, and you’ll probably recognize some of these… and maybe be a little ashamed of some of these...)

Got a private tour of the Cleveland Clinic (#1 in Heart Surgery and treatment of heart disease) from one of RIT’s alumni who works there

Sold my car for scrap

Got an award for holding 2 part time jobs, maintaining full time status as a college student, holding more than 2 leadership positions in on-campus groups, and having a high GPA

Went ‘macrobiotic’ for two meals and gave up

Planned an academic trip for 22 students and faculty to Cleveland Ohio

My roommates tried to kill each other (according to the police)

I started and ended a relationship

I went on multiple dates with different people that amounted to nothing

Graduated college

After skipping church for a while, started going again, but didn’t go these past two weeks

Bought a car and paid it off completely

Got a NJ drivers license

Got NY and then NJ plates for my car

Wrecked my car after owning it for just over a month

Went to Wisconsin for an interview, all expenses paid

Went to Rutgers for a career fair having never gone to Rutgers for school (never applied there either)

Fought with one of my best friends for many months, cried a lot, and was finally muscled in to talking to him again (thanks Ann for being brutal with me)

Saw my parents and my brother only twice

Dealt with my coffee addiction (kinda)

Made myself a budget and stuck to it

Moved to New Jersey

Impromptu snow picnic turned into a hike and got people angry with me

Hung out with my favorite waiter outside of his job on multiple occasions

Went to the beach and didn’t swim

Lived on a couch for three days straight two times at two different places

Lived for over a month with a family that wasn’t mine

Hiked a mountain by myself (1500 ft)

Bought car insurance

Fell asleep in someone else’s closet (lol Mike)

Gave in and learned to love onions

Paid off college!

Went to two family reunions that weren’t mine

Weighed myself only once

Got sick from eating too much halvah at once

Didn’t watch the Labyrinth by Jim Henson for 6 months (NO WAY?!?!?!?!?!)

Ran events on campus while I was in class (texting = bad)

Got confronted by a professor for sleeping in class

Had a party that resulted in people throwing beach balls and wads of colored paper around the room

Considered flirting with a cop after a car crash

Planted tomatoes and cucumbers with Ann’s mom

Gave away the bacon couches for free

Boiled potatoes and ate smoked mackerel on one of my best friend’s balcony with our bare hands on the first warm Saturday of the year

Ate two dinners and a brunch at Ann’s cooking school, and they recognized me

Went to a psychic and had my palm read – going to marry a dark haired man with fair skin at light eyes at the age of 25 btw

Finally bid farewell to my stalker as of two years

Drove a friend to the hospital in light snow, having never driven in snow before (technically last year, but still a major event)

Didn’t speak with my sister at all – she occasionally cc-ed me on emails to Mom, and she never responded to my emails, calls, or texts

Went to Cleveland, all expenses paid, for a weekend with my idol – Catherine

Trained three successors – Tony for COSSAB, Stephanie for Honors, Sarah for Comp Learning

Planned a grad party for myself

Planned a party for Catherine that was a HUGE success!

My ex went to the hospital, came home with a new girlfriends, and still remained on of my best friends

After spending an hour on my hair and make-up, I went to an interview that turned out to be a scam

Had two deer walk right up to me (within hand distance with no fences or food)

Was frightened off a trail by a momma and two or three baby bears while I was on a solo hike (couldn’t tell, just ran like hell)

Got over my allergy to cats

Slept on a couch in a house with 12 birds, 1 cat, 1 fish, and 1 mentally handicapped squirrel

Left two jobs for unemployment

Got demoted from supervisor to mere minion

Did free-lance library work

Worked three days straight with only a few breaks no longer than 5 hours each

Kissed a cat

“Kissed the cook”

Kissed a guy in a relationship with someone else (and he was not at all interested in me)

Jumped up and down on the couch squealing like a little girl (all over a boy)

Ate vegan lasagna for a week straight

Ate 8 veggie burgers in two hours with chips, juice, and ketchup

Sat in a restaurant and never saw the menu (literally, they never gave us a menu)

Spent 22 hours where the only thing I ate was watermelon (no drinks either)

Baked on Easter Sunday for the first time ever

Cut my hair only once (and it was a buzz cut that was given by a friend who was doing everyone’s head in one go)

Went to bars three times and didn’t drink alcohol at any of them

Cried at a chick flick (Bridesmaids)

Had 3 cancelled flights, 2 delayed ones, and 2 that were on-time, no problems

Started a knitting project, unraveled it, and started doing the same thing again all in the same day

Was in a group where they didn’t think I was pulling my weight and then I did over half the project

Went to an art show put on by one of my friends and then made fun of all of her work (oops)

Was offered illegal drugs by someone I trusted and walked away

Made a paper airplane out of an important document and then realized that I still needed that

Ate my roommate’s last banana and then lied about it (oops- but I was hungry!)

Opened the door of my apartment twice to find cops there (not for me though!)

If you can think of any more additions, shoot me a comment, email, etc and I'll add it to the list!


  1. we went to the beach in 08 and didnt swim

  2. When I first read that, I thought you were grading my post. Thankfully, I only lost one point!

    Thanks for the correction!


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