OK, so today I woke up at 8:30am to my alarm - I had gone to bed early in hopes that I would wake up and be productive. However, I had a terrible headache and decided to go back to sleep, in hopes that I would feel better when I woke up again.
I got out of bed around 11am, took a shower, and made it as far as the couch before I collapsed. Luckily, my laptop was within reaching distance, so I began wandering through the internet. I tried some meditation (which didn't last long), listening to soothing nature sounds (still am), and reading blogs about how to wake up with a smile on your face every day.
I think I'm going to try some of their tips over the next week and see what it does for me. The main ones would be: meditate each morning while stretching, asking yourself when you wake up what your goals are for the day and what you look forward to, and not turning on the TV, laptop, reading the news, etc every morning during breakfast. They also suggested playing music, but I don't want to put in headphones in the morning - and my only other way of playing music is my laptop...
As some of you may have found out, my laptop had problems over the time I've owned it. I get viruses more often than other people with the same make in the same area. This past week, I got a virus every other day. I kept doing 'System Restore', choosing points further back and further back until I was resetting my computer's settings back to what they were last year. Still had the virus.
So on Wednesday night, I saved all my important documents onto flash drives or emailed them to myself. Then, I wiped my hard drive. There were some initial driver issues after it started working, but Mike helped me fix them. Now I've downloaded only the programs I use the most and the security software Mike told me to get. I've started putting my files back on too.
Hopefully, this will solve the problem - otherwise, I'm going to have to live without a computer. I could do that, but I'd rather not.
I have some pictures on my camera that I was going to upload to this blog, but my camera isn't next to me right now, and my ability to move is severely limited. So you'll have to wait on that until next time.
Oh, and my goals for the day are:
- bake my "kick-ass molasses cookies"
- make lentils and kale for lunch (lentils are soaking)
- make dinner (don't know what yet)
- work on homework
- maybe mail out my taxes???
But yeah... my headache is slowly starting to go away, and now I'm craving chocolate/magnesium. Sounds like celery should be in my lunch....
Keep your toes warm today! And if you want to loose the ability to sleep at night, read "House of Leaves" by Mark Danielewski - it's a psychological horror/thriller that is amazingly well-written and the layout is absolutely fantastic!
the ol' curb-chocolate-cravings-with-celery trick :)