Good morning! I was actually going to write a post yesterday, but then I downloaded AIM and got really confused. So I forgot to post.
Anyway, last Saturday, I went out to two parties. The first was the Honors Halloween party, and I got to see all my freshmen dressed up! Tony was a Simpson's character, painted yellow and everything, and Jersey was Mr. Freeze, complete with a bucket on his head?????
Margie went all out as a witch from the video games series Left4Dead. They are these creepy zombies that cry, and if you startle them, they kill you in one hit. She went all out with the make-up, and everyone loved it. I went as Stephanie from Lazy Town (the TV Show for kids), and many people remarked that the costume was perfect for my personality.
The second party I went to was in the city, and a friend invited me. I didn't know most of the people there, but I ended up having a great time. This fact should be pretty obvious if you consider that I got back to my apartment at 4 in the morning, sauntered in, and, upon seeing Margie on the couch, said, "Heyyyyyyy.... you look like my mom.....". Shortly after that I woke up to my alarm for church. I didn't go.
But, I did go to the pancake party after church, and I'm pretty sure everyone in the room wondered why I wasn't at service but still able to go to eat. Of course, there was nothing really vegan there for me to eat, so I suffered in silence until I finally announced that I had to go home and write a paper. Then they all gave me a look that said, "So you're just gonna come for an hour and leave?" But hey! I really did have a paper to write!
The rest of my Sunday was spent writing said paper, except for Kim's birthday party that night. It was pretty great, and Matt made her pumpkin whoopie pies from scratch. We got a little crazy, but the girl's birthday is Halloween! She deserves a full-fledged party! We also discovered that it was slightly snowing outside, which is depressing, but since we were indoors, we didn't really care. It didn't stick anyways.
On Monday, I got a boyfriend, a freshman guy who's friends with my freshmen and is pretty cute. I also spent a large portion of Monday preparing for a large lab report I have due today (Thursday). Then I put some pictures up online for Halloween and a few night before.
Tuesday, I majorly crunched on that lab and discovered that I had no idea what to do, and the explanations given were insufficient. So I emailed my lab partners for help, and after I received no response for the next four hours, I went to bed.
Wednesday, I checked my email first thing in the morning - no response. I went to class, lunch, and then back home to work on that lab. No response. I looked over my notes, google-d it, etc. Nothing. Did some other homework. Went to class, meetings, then over to the guy's place to work on other stuff.... Then when I finally got home at 11:00pm - I had return email. It didn't even address the question I had. It was asking me if I wanted to meet up and work on the lab right now. I had work at 7:30 am the next morning.
I ignored the email and went to bed. I'll turn it in late, and if I fail, I'll re-take it next quarter. I've had enough of this.
Also, there was this really dumb guy in the business building who doesn't know anything about the difference between a VGA cable (for projectors) and an ethernet cable (for internet). And he's tech support. He also thinks you can only access your email from your home computer.
To relieve a headache, rub your temples in a circular motion. If that doesn't work, pop some aspirin and skip all your classes.
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