So, life is a bit busy - but all is well in the end!
So, last time I posted was Tuesday, hmm?
Tuesday evening I worked on my lab until I collapsed. Wednesday, I skipped my gym classes to work on that lab again - and met with a new activities board that I am head of! It was a ten minute meeting, and it went great!
Then I worked more on my lab - until I finally finished (what I could do). Then I picked up a bunch of ice cream stuff for the event on Friday and a bunch of snack foods for the potluck on Friday. Tony and I agreed that this was the most 'unhealthy' my shopping cart has ever looked. Oh, and I saved ten dollars by using my shopper's card!
Another outstanding thing - I got an invitation - to a date? to be friends? I don't know, really. Facebook says he has a girlfriend, so unless she and he both say they aren't, I won't get too involved.
But anyway - he's in my Philosophy class, so this is based off of some arguments we studied in class.
The TeleOntoCosmological Argument
(references to The Teleological, The Ontological, and The Cosmological
Arguments from Stanford)
1. Mohawks exhibit complexity, order, adaptation, purpose, and/or beauty.
2. Mohawks can't be random, they must be the product of a mind.
3. Therefore there exists a mind that produced or is producing mohawks.
4. A mind that produces mohawk is part of the definition of Molly or C****.
5. Therefore C**** and Molly exist.
6. There is a being more fun than which no being can be conceived.
7. It is more fun to exist than to not exist.
8. Since Molly and C**** exist (5), they are more fun than non-existance and are in the running for that being which no more fun being can be conceived.
9. Everything has a cause.
10. There are no causal loops.
11. There are no infinite causal chains.
12. Therefore there is a cause for Molly to accompany C**** to a Dubstep concert Thursday night.
_ Sound Argument _ Not Sound
13. If (12) is unfounded, a bad time for Molly, or a smashing success, then Molly and C**** should meet up at a party Friday or Saturday.
_ Sound Argument _ Not Sound
I said I couldn't do Thursday, but I would like to see him Friday or Saturday. Also, I googled 'Dubstep' - and it's some kind of electronic dance show.
At this point, I'm kinda confused - because this definitely looks like a date to me...
Oh well... my world doesn't revolve around boys anyway...
Today (hopefully) will be a good day - it's certainly been productive!
Compliment those around you today! It makes them happier that you noticed something small like Koehl's new glasses! I forgot to compliment him this morning, so Joan beat me to it... :(
Well, I feel like a concert isn't such a great place for a first date, since while you have fun dancing and all, you don't get to know the guy so much. But what do I know.